Contacts: Rui Taborda (Portuguese/English) +351 9 66 55 44 00 | Karin Kossmann (German) +351 939 877 291

Why don’t you come and live in Portugal?

Our services


We can simplify the process of moving to Portugal for you, through offering a variety of integrated services that includes:


searching for your ideal house in the area you would like to live

Documents & Translation  Services

legal documentation for the purchase of your selected house and for the residence in the country

Re-location Services

transport of furniture you intend to bring to Portugal

Community Integration Services

help through active support for insertion into the existing foreigners or Portuguese community



Why endure colder climates and high living costs throughout the year with only a vacation in this beautiful country? Why not live and enjoy heavenly Portugal 365 days a year? How would you feel to live a more affordable life when a full meal in a restaurant cost €8 and when you could buy a three-bedroom house for between 250.000 and €400,000 depending on the location?

Our Team

Our team is in full service to you for any question you may have about living in Portugal, the process for searching and purchasing a house, providing the set of necessary documents needed to purchase a house or finding your home in a foreign or Portuguese community. We are there for you! 

Rui Miguel Luis Taborda
Contact: +351 9 66 55 44 00

Having a deep knowledge of the Portuguese reality from the positions he held as a consultant to public and private entities.

Karin-Maria Binder-Kossmann
Contact: +341 939 877 291

With extensive experience in the real estate sector, whether in Germany, England, Italy and Portugal.